Promoting Interoperability

MIPS 2020 - Applying Lessons Learned from COVID-19

CMS is taking action regarding MIPS 2020 by offering COVID-19 related relaxation and adjustment. These announcements are trickling in slowly. The latest update was released yesterday on Jun 24, 2020. There might be additional tweaks and retroactive adjustments that are announced later in the year, but reading between the lines, it is evident that MIPS will go on. The latest update was released yesterday on Jun 24, 2020. There might be additional tweaks and retroactive adjustments that are announced later in the year, but reading between the lines, it is evident that MIPS will go on. We witnessed up and close how different provider organizations handled MIPS 2019 submissions during COVID-19 pandemic ranging from single providers to multi-specialty, multi-location practices . Some organizations handled the crisis better than the others. In this blog we have distilled the lessons learned from these provider organizations into 10 things they did right.


FHIR®: What’s in it for Providers?

There is a lot of buzz surrounding the concept of interoperability and FHIR®, but what do healthcare providers get out of it? We delve into a variety of benefits that providers organizations (big and small) can expect to see when they decide to adopt FHIR®.

Patient Engagement Changes Bigly for MIPS In 2019

Last week, CMS released the QPP final rule for 2019. We will be doing a series of blogs and webinar to discuss the changes in details and how it impacts EHR developers and providers. However, there is one change that deserves a blog of it’s own. In my opinion, it is the biggest change since the start of Meaningful Use program almost a decade ago.