I am often asked how does MyMipsScore differ from the many “submission” options available in the market. A demo of our solution usually answers that question satisfactorily. But how do you compare yourself with a free option provided by the government? I am going to address that elephant in the room today…..
MIPS 2018 Quality Measure Benchmarks
In a previous blog, we had discussed some of the recent updates announced by CMS for MIPS. One of those updates was the release of Quality Benchmarks for 2018. Here are 4 key things you need to understand about MIPS 2018 Quality Benchmarks.
Can MIPS on FHIR® burn QRDA and CCDA?
Can Registry Reporting Negatively Impact Your MIPS Score?
The Registry submission method (Qualified registries + QCDRs), has more Quality measures available for reporting than all the other submission methods. Despite that, it would be wise to compare and contrast it with EHR submission method to ensure you get the highest score for your effort and earn the end-to-end reporting bonus.